Monday, June 10, 2024

Unsolicted Advice for the Democrats

                             EMBRACING MR. GENOCIDE: NO!

                                         A resounding photo ...

Despite Trump's serious legal travails and now an actual conviction on 34 felonies,Trump is still on track to win the election. And Biden's has added two more vote losing weights to drag behind him:

  • The Hamas-Israel war – The Biden administration's support of Israel's brutal over-reaction to the Oct 7 Hamas terrorist attack risks losing some portion of his college educated supporters. There have been 37,658 Palestinians killed so far by Israel's IDF vs 1,139 Israelis originally in October killed by Hamas.  And has as we know demonstrations have broken out at leading universities around the country - and have been forcefully put down.

  • Tiktok –Congress with Biden's support is mounting a silly attack of this largely insipid but popular Chinese owned online platform. This could lose many young naive first time voters. Furthermore, it sets a dangerous precedence of the government banning 'unwanted' internet platforms. No one has clearly elucidated how China could or is using the data accrued from this platform in malicious ways. 


One hopes Biden's campaign for reelection has yet to really commence, since at this point in time it seems, at least here in blue state California, to be almost invisible. Biden's target rich opportunity of media appearances following Trump's recent multiple felony convictions featured the same old squint-eyed Joe with his low wattage underwhelming speaking style. His flat emotionless approach may have worked well in his years as the perennial Senator from Delaware, but he now needs to step up his game. He must compensate for his aged frail appearance by emerging as a fierce pissed off veteran hardcore pol. No laid back calm demeanor will do against a lying, conniving, self serving political ogre and skillfully dangerous demagogue like the Orange One. Moreover all the loyal Repub craven political hacks (like the reprehensible Marco Rubio and the satanic looking Ted Cruz) are now so infected with MAGAitis that they slavishly (or zombie like) imitate Trump's rhetorical use of ugly overstatement, grandiose exaggeration and false factoids pulled from the ass.

Biden must begin enthusiastically and stridently to educate the American public on the two biggies :

  • The economy - It's not that bad; most people who want to work are working. The fact that prices are not going back down is not inflation and what inflation lingers (down to 3.5%) is largely due to market control by monopolies and oligopolies. Somehow the Democrats must reiterate that housing costs (always going up) and gas prices at the pump (fluctuate wildly based on global oil prices) are not the fault of the president. Econ 101 should be taught in high school.

  • The world is overheating -If Trump regains the presidency, any hard won (but still inadequate) steps to confront this never-before crisis that affects everyone will be reversed. Donald Trump and many Repubs are in denial regarding the great crisis of our lifetime. If Trump and his people get in, the participation of the US which is the greatest per capita contributor and second greatest aggregate contributor (behind China) of green house gases will pull out and try to reverse what has been accomplished. That would be no small setback.


     The Democrats need to be more aggressive in educating the public on quintessential underlying issues not just emotional ones. Quit following the poll numbers based on known concerns; create poll numbers based new ones. The DNC will have the money. Many well heeled members of the upper middle class are alarmed at the prospect of our electorate voting in an autocrat and they can be persuaded to cough up more donations. Those who are managing Biden's media campaign must move away from simplistic obvious partisan propaganda pieces and invite creative, intellectual and scientific types to produce strong engaging informative material that educates the public as to the absolute urgency surrounding certain issues- especially the Climate Crisis.


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