Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Hits Keep Coming

So after seriously wounding Obamacare (which does help many people despite its shortcomings), killing off Net Neutrality (an FCC rule that virtually the entire IT industry vehemently supported), opening the floodgates to corporate maleficence at all levels, and  officially halting all Federal efforts to confront the gravest world historical crisis yet -  global warming, we now have this rewrite of the tax code, that almost no economist or tax expert supports, ramrodded through to just say "he got something done legislatively".

Let's not give credit for all this carnage to the Orange One. Let's not give this born-on-third base opportunistic con man any more credit than he deserves. It is really the Republican Party to blame. They inadvertently prepared the smelly nest for this vulture. They set the stage with their negation of everything Obama (even if it came from their own think tank like  health care reform), with their abuse of Senate tradition like the filibuster, with their own lie promulgating alternate reality news network.

This recent repulsive photo of all of them with The Great Leader, all bunched up on the podium yucking it up in their day of infamy as they the pass most regressive tax bill in US history says it all. History will not be kind to this pack of greedy fools. Memories of corruption have a half-life longer than uranium 234. Who can forget the political cartoons from your high school American history text books of Tammany Hall or Teapot Dome or the 19th Century bearded porcine Gilded Age pols frolicking in Congress as they stuff their pockets with bribes. The parties change; sometimes it's the Democrats who are the culprits and it's earnest Republicans who are trying to forestall a wave of evil avarice. But make no mistake now its a GOP that has gone rogue.

This recent round of corruption hatched out of the reptilian egg of the Reagan (Counter)revolution in which the hard right took over the formerly merely pro-business mostly moderate post war GOP (Ike, etc) . The hard right Reaganians came after the so-called 'welfare state' with machetes (but only wounded it. Clinton would do more). The did it by successfully shifting blame for the petering out of the post war economic boom on taxes not the flat lining of wages. As the so called "taxpayers revolt" set in across the country taxes were reduced at all government levels. On the federal level it was beginning of the end for policies that had successfully contained capitalism from its worse features. What a masterful propaganda coup it was - blaming the government and its need for revenue for everything amiss. Governments which are often bureaucratic and inefficient (because they are imperfect by nature as we all are as humans) made a perfect fall guy. Of course no one likes to pay taxes (the Beatles even wrote a song about it, "The Taxman"). But taxes are, alas, a necessary evil. When not abused by kings and dictators they are the dues we pay for everything we need collectively, everything that is not a marketable commodity: roads, bridges, armies, cops, fireman, libraries - and support for orphans and the old or disabled. But Reagan's trick was aiming tax resentment at the “welfare recipients”, those who had been left out of the game – the Black underclass. Even though most people “on welfare” were white, the fact that many were black conveniently played into the white working class's deep seated but unacknowledged racism. This public support for reduction of federal and state revenue government paved the way for decades of rollback of social services, decay of the infrastructure and educational facilities as well as a ballooning federal deficit.  But that was only Step 1.

The doleful Reagan years ended in 1988 but the blood was in the water. Smaller govern-ment and less taxes were the answer. The discredited 19th Century ideology of lassiez faire government, that is let capitalism run with no restraints, was exhumed.  Pure unfettered capitalism was the ideal to pursue. The idea that there was a direct relationship between  economic efficiency and constraints on 'the market' gained widespread credibility.

Stage 2 began when the Democrat Party under Bill Clinton (1992-2000) and the UK Labor Party under Tony Blaire. Instead of boldly putting a stake in the ground and defending the policies that their respective party's had traditional represented, they essentially pursued the very same agenda that Reagan and Thatcher had pioneered but in a moderated version. In short the commandeered the moderate wing of their respective center-right parties driving said parties into full off the deep in into reactionary-land especially the Republican Party. This initiated the era of 'neoliberalism' and put a patina of respectability to the whole reactionary project initiated by Reagan/Thatcher.

Now we are at Stage 3 of this malignancy with US Republican Party using the blunt (and dangerous) tool (and not their preferred one), one Donald Trump, a kind of world-historical politically accident, to drag the USA back into the darkest ages of capitalism. Trump is into it only for his own personal megalomania, while the GOP have a darker agenda. Everything ever done at the federal level that is environmentally protective, socially beneficial, globally humane or progressively rational must be destroyed. 

One can only hope that the working class, not just the old industrial proletariat types who will never have have the kind of pay and benefits the once they had 30 years ago from the manufacturing sector, but a redefined working class of all who do not rely on financial speculation for their livelihood. There is a vicious class war underway and it must be acknowledged. A newly defined working class must join together and resist this awful juggernaut.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Indian Summer 2017

Even as we enjoy the bittersweet days of late northern California Indian summer it's difficult to continue to ignore all that is hanging fire. The list is long and awful: an incompetent loose cannon in the presidency busting everything in sight with one of his (little) fingers now on the nuke button, the hard right controlling 2/3's of the state legislatures, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court with a “conservative” majority (with more to come in the judiciary), and operationally what parts of the government that once worked (EPA, State Dept, DHHS) being eviscerated. And all this while the impact of climate change relentlessly and permanently damages our planet's biosphere, the very environment that we as humans and all the living things round us evolved in (that is if you accept carbon dating, glacial geology, climatology, biology and so on).

Throughout my life I have watched Republican politicians manipulate the darker side of human nature to acquire and misuse power (Nixon, Reagan, Bush). And in others times watched through ineptitude, blindness or just plain bad luck the Democrats lose power and allow another round of retrenchment (i.e. Carter's losing his 2nd term, Obama losing both houses of Congress). And then there were those Democrats who blurred the line between the two Party's traditional values for temporary political gain as Bill Clinton did. When Democrats opportunistically commandeer their opponent's positions (rabid 'anti-communism' or ideological hostility to the so-called 'welfare state') they effectively drive the Repubs further into heartless hard right whacko-land (where they are today). The Democratic Party, in trying from the center left to keep the huge US imperialistic monopoly capitalist apparatus on track by borrowing positions from the right, they often open the door to their more evil twin – the Repubs. The Repubs don't have the disadvantage of trying to do or appear to do the right thing, they just do what works for them to acquire and hold power.The Demos lose identity and credibility when they turn right (Clinton's 'triangulation', Obama's drones) the Repubs gain credibility and respectability when they turn left (Nixon's opening to China, Reagan and SALT).

This dynamic first revealed itself back in tumultuous 1960s when for whatever reason Cold War warrior liberal and Democrat Party golden boy President Jack Kennedy suddenly got assassinated. Who did it remains a mystery – Oswald, the Deep State, the Mafia. In any case Lyndon B. Johnson, a steely eyed and ruthless Texas Democrat of the old school (they don't make em like that anymore), inherited the throne. While steering through Congress socially progressive and now popular programs like Medicare (over the abject resistance of the Repubs) he also embraced anti-Communist and Cold War domino theory ideology, thus managing to sink us into the hellish quagmire of Viet Nam. Consequently most of my generation would never see the Democratic Party as a totally progressive entity again and many would become too alienated to ever vote for Democrats again, others became permanently apolitical while others even metamorphosed into Republicans. In fact in the presidential election of 1968 most of us couldn't even hold our noses and vote for Democrat Hubert Humphrey thus allowing the reptilian Republican Richard Nixon to win almost by default. And to make matters worse in the next election, as reviled as many were by Nixon, the Democratic Party (allied with the Washington establishment and the mainstream media) essentially sabotaged their own candidate, George McGovern, because of his strong center-left position. This allowed Nixon to again waltz back in by a landslide. This even as the Watergate scandal was already emerging from the muck.

And now the Democrats want us to believe they are on the side of the angels because they, too, find Donald J. Trump patently loathsome. What thinking person wouldn't as he as sits on his golden throne with his weird yellow hair trying to rule like some Louis XIV wannabe? The Demos have a lot of nerve after foisting their worse presidential candidate on us his since Fritz Mondale ran against St. Ronnie in '84. With shitty choices like that what can we expect from poorly educated, working class seat-of-their-pants voters (who's economic situation now seems to be in permanent decline). And then there is “the entertainment industry for liberals”: NY Times, Washington Post, CNN and CSNBC. CNN and CSNBC which both made a bundle giving candidate Trump unwarranted publicity and free airtime (and now endlessly lambaste the Orange One). Then he was both provocative and ridiculous – easy to make fun of (and money off of). Now it's not so funny as everything good is turned into a filthy vortex of fecal matter and spins down into the sewer.
Bernie Sanders may not have been the perfect candidate – too old, too easy to red-bait, too strident, too much ranting and raving. But he was honest and earnest, and most importantly not taking big bucks from the robber barons on Wall Street as was her highness HRC. Also he had a progressive agenda that was easy to understand, that wasn't all mush and happy talk. Hadn't the Clintons had their day in the sun? People wanted change. Was the Demo bench is so shallow that they had to look to creating a ruling dynasty to stay in power? The Repubs had the good sense (and internal party democracy) to early on eject their dynastic heir apparent, Jeb, even as their big money boys loved him. Of course the Repubs got theirs as the neophyte pol, the Orange Ogre, blasted his way to the finish line leaving the other GOP stable of irksome candidates looking like horse turds on the barn floor.

As we know from Virginia's recent election the tide may be turning. Trump and his mischief has apparently come to the belated attention of people who usually never bother to vote. That must be why, while Trump's ratings are at a historical low,  most mainstream Repubs are reportedly still standing by him despite their embarrassment at his crudity. Yet in Virginia the Repubs still got trounced. The non-voters must have come out of the woodwork. But in addition to waking up to Trump, they seem also to realize that the Republican Party is not their friend. The GOP agenda is both morally and pragmatically wrong. With or without Trump the GOP is a supreme menace to the average Joe be his income lower, middle or upper middle.

The Demos on the other hand still want to keep the whole banker run capitalist order in good working order but also allow for a modicum of social and economic justice. Managing that is, of course, always a problem. But the Repubs don't have that worry. They could give a shit about anything but their short term goal of satisfying the donor class. They always, despite what they say, want to redirect as much wealth as possible to the top tiers who already own and control everything in sight - all the global corporations, financial institutions, prestigious colleges and universities, foundations and so on. 'Tax cuts 'n small government', is their perennial mantra and hobby horse. But in terms of managing the economy responsibly, sending more money to the top income tiers does nothing for what economists call 'aggregate demand' as the rich already have everything they need - materially anyway. So all the tax cuts do is make the rich a little richer while further increasing the national debt which already is like 16 trillion! At least the Demos try to keep things in line capitalism-wise by making sure the money goes to things (social services, supplementary payments, infrastructure spending) that will wind up as disposable income and enhance aggregate demand – the only thing will lead to more investment and thus economic growth (if that's even good). The Repubs really need to go back and take Econ 101 again.

With only a craven pack of self serving opportunists (and a few generals – a bad sign) surrounding him along with his loyal nub of hard core true believers still drinking their Trumpian kool aid, while Mueller's army of legal beagles nosing in every nook and cranny of his sordid financial affairs and Ruskkie assistance to his campaign, it may be only be a matter of time before Humpty Dumpty falls off his wall. But be careful what you wish for. Without the Orange Ogre in the way, the Repubs will have a more streamlined (and blog free) time machine to take us all the way back to the good old the 1890s.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Trump steps in it again

This most recent misstep by the Orange Ogre is his worst yet. In trying to pander to his limited base he has really stepped into some deep doo doo. Everyone right, left and center is now up in arms as he clumsily ends up on the wrong side history.

The sequence of events seems to be as as follows. A liberal college town, Charlottesville, in the premier secessionist state of Virginia and the home state of Confederate hero Robert E. Lee had recently re-purposed a city park from from being a monument to the Confederacy by changing its name from Robert E. Lee park to Emancipation Park - no doubt to the ire of local Republicans. Next on the agenda the statue of General Lee was to be removed.

The Internet fueled Alt-Right got wind of this 'outrage' and used it as a rallying cry to round up a rabid pack of bitterly aggrieved white boyz. A permit was obtained to hold a totally fascist looking looking night time march to the park complete with torches all wearing white shirts. Several hundred showed up from all over the nearby red state archipelago to demonstrate their solidarity to this high minded cause. Video footage of the march could have been filmed in Germany in the 1930s.  A small badly outnumbered band of local lefties probably from the college were there at the park to meet (and greet) this hoard of angry white guys and a few gals. This spectacle was bad enough but it merely set the stage for the next day.. Many of these same high minded torch carriers, and others since it was Saturday, also showed up all 'armed for bear'. Many if not most seemed to have worn helmets, carried medieval shields and cudgels. All were chanting industrial strength racist and anti-Semitic vitriol for all to hear especially the counter-protestors. These counter-protestors for some reason were opposed to an openly fascist march through their home town. Many were also wearing helmets knowing a violent confrontation was possible. This while the local police stood by enjoying watching the action. And fighting indeed did occur. That was bad enough but then later as things were winding down in a spontaneous act of insanity some testosterone driven overwrought 20 year old, a member of one the shield carrying factions, decided to drive his car ISIS style into the ranks of the evil “socialists and Marxists' thereby killing one woman and injured 19 others. All of this was captured in by all means of video devices and cameras.

What at mess. Does all of this maybe have some relation to the Trump Presidency? Clearly the ball was in DJT's court like it or not. So what how does the Orange One respond? After all these alt-right people are among his most devout and loyal supporters? In any case any normal sane politician would disassociate himself from this political devil incarnate, openly declared fascists and racists, even if he secretly agreed with them. But not 'the Donald'.  First by the seat of pants he reacts by  saying he sees 'both sides as equally at fault' ,which caused the press to nearly fall out of their uncomfortable folding chairs. Then dialing it back a little the next day he issues a properly scripted response, only the next back to go back to his original position - but more forcefully.

This was not a so-called free speech issue where an incendiary right wing speaker is sent into an epicenter of Trumpian opposition like the UC Berkeley campus as an inducement to hard left anarcho types and anti-Trump hotheads to raise hell.  This is not merely a test of the limits of free speech visa vie the intolerant elements of the left. This was a staged fascist/KKK event designed to further their cause. And they believed DJT would have their back. And apparently he does.

Trump apparently feels he must stand with his rabid base even as the damage to his failing, incoherent, disorganized presidency is significant.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Is there room under the bus for Dear Jeff?

Is it unraveling? It seems even Rush Limbaugh along with the editors of Briebart are starting to have their doubts about The Trump . With the Orange One now daily hammering his erstwhile loyalist and early supporter, his confederate Attorney General Jeff Beauergard Sessions, the hard right is becoming as dismayed as the rest of us.

Rush has recently said:

But it’s also kind of, you know, a little bit discomforting, unseemly for Trump to go after such a loyal supporter this way.”

And in the lead story yesterday at they opine:

President Trump’s decision Tuesday to attack Attorney General Jeff Sessions over Sessions’ position” on Hillary Clinton’s various scandals only serves to highlight Trump’s own hypocrisy on the issue - and is likely to fuel concerns from his base who see Sessions at the best hope to fulfill Trump’s immigration policies.

Daily the "Fake News", the only news we have when you think about it, has more grist for their mills than they have milling equipment to handle it. Other news is being badly neglected as Trump keeps flailing around busting everything in sight making himself such a target rich environment that the MSM can't resist it, overloading our circuits with it . Meanwhile Trump's erstwhile allies in the GOP are hard are at work trying to step on their own you whats by eliminating health care for millions.

The basic fact is that for the Establishment that both thevTrump supporters and disaffected lefties alike oppose, the Russkies are the enemy.  This both the Demos and Repub parties agree on if nothing else.  For Trump, his family and his sleazy pack of cohorts to resist a completing airing of all things  Russo-Trumpian  makes make one suspect they must indeed be hiding something either disgustingly sordid, highly illegal or treasonous. There must be something very combustible producing all that smoke and causing The Trump to cashier and/or bad mouth his top dogs in his own Justice Dept.

If all it, as Trumpian loyalists lamely contend, merely political theater and falsehoods conjured up through leaks by lingering pro-Obama "deep state" CIA employees, etc., a big “nothing burger”, then Mr. Donald: 'Tear down that wall' and let sun shine in.  Otherwise it will continue to cripple your whole aggressive anti-"libtard" agenda that is so beloved by your rural and rust belt brigades.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Rodeo Clown

“Trump is Corporate America's rodeo clown. His job is to keep the raging American bull from stomping the corporate CEOs riding on our back. While we watch Trump pimp his brand and spin his personal wheel of fortune from the Oval Office, Corporate America is in the shadows stealing our future. “

A comment to Paul Krugman's NY Times column of May 22

I like this rodeoesque take on things.  Krugman in his column that day was complaining about the abuse of the word 'freedom' by the GOP as they try to eviscerate Obamacare. The Repubs like to yack about “freedom' while effectively taking away freedom: freedom from being bankrupted and pauperized by health problems, freedom from going to school hungry, freedom from seeing our environment raped and consumed for profit.  The only "freedom” the current crop of so-called 'conservatives' care about is the freedom to allow a small number of greed-heads to amass ever more obscene piles of wealth. This while their beloved ”free market” mode of  production is actually undermined as the US middle class is slowly decimated. After all it is middle class that keeps aggregate demand, the engine of capitalism, up and running. Discord in the lower tiers of the middle class as they plummet into hardscrabble poverty (effectively ignored by the corporate-Demos) is the key reason why we are stuck with Donald J. Trump - not Russian hackers.

But aside from the GOP oligopolistic class war driven economic policies, simply from a capitalism-friendly point of view, their mindless attachment to discredited supply side voodoo economics (lower taxes on the rich = economic growth = jobs) doesn’t fucking work! The already super rich don't invest if  demand for goods and service is weak which it terminally is, they just speculate with their 'savings' putting it in high risk hedge funds, etc, It’s’ ‘fun-money’ like the ordinary Joe sets aside for a trip to Vegas. Of course its more complicated than that. There is a whole industry for managing wealth and avoiding taxes. When anyone invests in a business they want it to be one that is making money and/or its stock value is ascending. But more importantly when CEOs of major corporations choose to expand production, they go where labor costs are lowest and environmental regulations are weakest - and it's not going to be western Pennsylvania or Saginaw Michigan.

But it is  Trump's absurd position (and the GOP’s criminally misbegotten party line) on climate change that is even a more serious form of blind stupidity. It is dangerously foolish in the deepest way.  Time is not on our side. Obama should have done more. The projections made at the Paris climate accords, even if all 195 nations rich and poor, kept their pledges, indicate the planet will still overheat  (it already has).  The Paris accords optimistic assumption was that as technology improved all nations would re-calibrate their projections.  Trump and his science-adverse reactionaries now in EPA and the Dept of Energy and are now pulling out the plug on all of that. We are the second largest contributor of green house gases. As we go so goes the world.

The establishment is trying to shake this Trumpian creature off its back like a huge beast would try to wriggle free of a blood sucking parasite.  Virtually the entire intelligentsia left, center and right regards him as a bad joke at best and a proto-fascist at worst. Nightly the cable news obsesses with Trumpian misdeeds large and small.  So called 'public intellectuals' across the board can’t stop themselves from producing daily anti-trumpian rants.  Even ordinarily politically aloof sectors like the scientific community are aghast and have resorted to marching in the streets.  The entire staff of the mainstay of educated centrist opinion, the Gray Lady, the venerable NY Times to a person abhor the Orange One and everything he stands for. This includes all their regulars: Paul Krugman, Nicholas Kristof,  Charles Blow, ,Tom Friedman, (Queen of Snark re: HRC) Maureen Dowd along with in-house conservatives David Brooks and Ross Douthou. Also the entire Washington Post' stable of pundits - even their right wingers who I once hated to read like Jennifer Rubin, George Will and even the loathsome Charles Krauthammer all are up in arms against DJT and his gang that can't shoot straight.

Glenn Beck of all people has even turned against the Orange One.  The only influential media personality who remains to publicly and tirelessly defend DJT's plunging presidency is Fox's Sean Hannity (now that serial lecher Bill O'Reilly has gotten the bums rush). And of course most recently Republican stalwart and CSNBC 'Morning Joe' Scarborough and his co-host Mika Brzezinski have elicited such crude and tasteless Twitters from the The Donald that even has most Repubs in Congress upset.
Can this Trumpian/GOP Nightmare get much worse?  Of course it can - and it will. And it will transpire with or without Donald J Trump. Even if Trump were jettisoned and we avoided the ugly conglomerate of ill-conceived Trumpian idiocy: The Wall, Muslim travel bans and trade wars, the GOP boiler plate Ayne Rand inspired brutalist agenda is still before us. They are on a blood thirsty path of revocation of everything socially positive going back 100 years including the Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Era, FDR and the New Deal of 1930s (which essentially resuscitated capitalism), as well as LBJ’s Medicare/Medicaid health care for the old and the very poor, and finally their final coup de grace – blowing away all 1970s Nixon Era environmental protections just a Climate Change starts to kick in for real.

For now have to endure Trump's (when non scripted) trite superlative infused, lie infested, inarticulate babble.  Just as George W.  Bush made Reagan look almost Jeffersonian, now the Orange One makes the inarticulate, verbally challenged 'W' sound almost Lincolnesqes. We are in the realm of an unfinished plot of bad Hollywood dystopian comedy written by a bitter, cynical, misogynist hack.    

Seeing Trump with his florid face, his stupid vain strange hairdo, flabby wide angle figure, business suit attired and (when talking to his brain-dead pack of acolytes) his stupid red cap, is always is painful.  How come other countries get reasonable appearing and competently speaking leaders and we get this piece of feces?  It's not fair! It's embarrassing in fact.  God knows what he's saying to these heads of state (like his ‘bros’ the Saudis) behind closed doors. What we know about is bad enough. The Russkies must have some hilarious tales to tell each other back in Moscow or St Petersburg as they knock back their chilled vodkas.

These are dark days indeed!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

So it begins (reflections on Nov 21-22 2017)

It has officially begun - the Trump Era. I sit here looking out my front window at an angry sea (26ft /14sec groundswell - which is beyond huge). There is whitewater to the horizon. Is this nature's way of saying “watch the fuck out!”? One of Herr Trumps first acts was to have “his people” take down the Obama Administration's Climate Change Plan website. What a message to send to the rest of the world as the polar ice caps melt, as 2016 comes in as the hottest year on record, as Miami Beach once high and dry now is flooding regularly, as the ocean becomes ever warmer and more acidic disrupting crucial food chains and killing coral reefs worldwide, and as the weather becomes evermore erratic.

Apparently Trump and his Republican Party enablers, if they can, intend to categorically negate, disable, eviscerate or revoke every single law, initiative, regulation, executive orders, and as well and undermine or cripple every environmental, social service and regulatory federal agency or commission they can get their well manicured greedy hands on. They are declaring war on anything and everything that the government does that does not enrich the already ultra-rich, all in the name of faux populism – and a majority of the white working class bought into this preposterous and evil attempt at political regression project hook, line and sinker.

Whether The Donald will be able to deliver on his mishmash of bold ever-morphing array of wild eyed promises made to the  beleaguered (in their own minds anyway) rural and rust belt white population is beside the point. The Repubs have run the table. All three branches of government, are now in their hands, plus 26 state houses. It is truly the season of the witch. To make matters worse Trump has cobbled-together quite an impressive pack of abject opportunists and GOP career hounds to make up his cabinet of federal agency kingpins. It is almost like his cabinet was selected solely to rub salt in the wounds of his defeated enemies. All of them, probably even including the ex-generals, are Repub loyalists of the ultra-right variety. Trump himself is the only wild card. Trump has changed parties back and forth from Demo to Repub five times. He is his own party.  Can this mix of arbitrarily chosen pack of millionaires and billionaires deliver on any of Trumps laundry list of absurd and dangerous promises?  He does have a Repub Congress, but already they don't see eye to eye. One scary possibility that many fear is when things start going sideways re: Trump's contradiction infested "plan"(if you can call it that), is that his right wing populism will metamorphose into a virile new form of fascism. Remember fascists don't need no stinking democracy to get things done.

Both major parties share in the blame for this horrendous situation. The GOP clown car of aspiring POTUSes all saw the Demo parties heir apparent HRC as 'easy pickin's'. That's why there were so many of em - at one time twelve. These party hacks to a man (and one woman) all believed that if they could get past the Orange One, this interloper, they would be on on easy street against the Demo Party's tone deaf and popularity challenged choice of a candidate. Had any of these aspirants actually landed the nomination and prevailed over the hapless HRC we might be even further up shit creek. Actually Trump could turn out to be a God send causing a popularity crushing train wreck for the Repubs - we hope. But maybe not. In any case Trump as Commander and Chief however you take it is a menace of the first magnitude. Yet had any of the clown car occupants (especially the despised by his own party Ted Cruz) won the nomination, the full apparatus of the corporate funded right wing think tank archipelago and media active conservative punditacracy would have been ardently on his or her side. Now many of the Repub thinkers have their doubts as to the Orange One's loyalty to the Republican cause. Nevertheless much of Trumps so-called program does coincide with the GOP's infernal designs. And the tactics are the same, like their never ending siren call for “lower taxes/less government”. This is their perennial 'magic elixir' for goosing the economy into better performance. Yet it doesn't work.  The 'tax cuts for all' after the dust clears and its short burst of spending by consumers is over, it always finally results in simply another round of wealth redistribution upwards to the richest 1% - and an ever deeper federal deficit. They have been using the intellectually discredited 'supply side economics' argument  ever since Saint Ronnie's era. But Herr Trump has taken GOP madness to a whole new level with a deficit projected to be literally off the charts.

However The Donald has accomplished one thing he didn't intend to. He has managed to unify the opposition. He has' herded the cats' of the progressive/liberal left and the establishment center together. The centrist (NY Times and Wash Post and the mainstream Demos like Schumer, the HRC backers, etc.) plus the newly energized center left (the Sanders/Warren left wing of the Demo party) plus the incorrigible radical left (anarcho black bloc types) are now all united (at least informally) in vehement opposition. As I write this women from all over the East Coast have crammed into DC in a massive demonstration with solidarity marches in cities and town throughout the entire country– and in cities all over the world. The 53% (the majority of voters) that did not vote for this absurd buffoon plus the unknown number that could not bring themselves to vote for either the Orange One' or his unappealing opponent, HRC, are now up in arms. Hey, there are at least 3 million more people on our side than the combination of GOP country club loyalists and their redneckian dupes. It reminds one of the old “days of rage” during the Nixon years (ironically in many ways Richard Nixon now looks  almost like a “liberal”. That's how far hard right the GOP has traveled into cuckoo land). But make no mistake with Trump in the local PD's are now dry washing their hands in gleeful anticipation of being unleashed as occupying armies (if they weren't already) to club, teargas, fire hose and jail the rabble into some state of docility. It won't work. If everyone opposed to Trump/GOP agenda comes out there won't be enough cops to go around. They will  have to bring out the National Guard or the US Army.

We have been hit by a triple whammy: Trump's inconceivable inappropriateness for his position compounded with impossible promises and added to that the Republican Party's brutal new ideology of deregulating and further privatizing the all aspects of the economy including those that function well and are popular. What has pretended to be a indigenous rural/blue collar revolt (improbably led by an ersatz billionaire) against the harm wrought by globalization, immigration and corporate friendly trade agreements is really a surrender to the very forces that let these process become harmful to the working class in the first place.

It remains to be seen how this all will work out but it looks bad. If the first days are any indication, we should all hold on to our hats. It's going to be a rough ride.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

An American Kakistocracy

Kakistocracy: Government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.

  • A Labor Secretary who has promoted low wages, automating workers, and the objectification of women
  • A Housing and Urban Development Secretary with no relevant experience.
  • A Commerce Secretary who owned a dangerous coal mine where twelve miners died in an explosion.
  • A Secretary of State who ran ExxonMobil.
  • An EPA Administrator who has sued the agency on behalf of fossil fuel companies and is a climate change denier.
  • An Energy Secretary who wants to get rid of the department (and might not know what it does - Answer: Most of its budget is for managing our nuclear energy and weapons issues).
  • A Health and Human Services Secretary who has attacked policies that protect women's health.
  • An Interior Secretary who has a League of Conservation Voters score of 3%.
  • And an Attorney General who opposes civil and voting rights and was denied a federal judgeship due to racist remarks.